Dr Leif Hetland • 12 May 2024

Come And Drink – The Samaritan Women

In this sermon Dr Leif explores the profound encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, as depicted in John Chapter 4: 1-29. This story illustrates the transformative power of Jesus's love and the importance of seeking spiritual fulfillment in Him.

Sermon Notes

1. The Journey of Faith

The best thing about Jesus is Jesus Christ. One more time. I know this is a big revelation, but the best thing about Jesus is Jesus! And if you got Jesus, you got everything. If you don't have Jesus, you have nothing. It’s all about a return to the simplicity of the gospel and a deeper love for Jesus. Let me stress the importance of keeping one's heart aligned with God, as the heart influences all aspects of life.

2. Jesus at the Well

The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman highlights Jesus's intentionality in reaching out to those marginalized by society. Despite societal norms, Jesus chose to engage with a Samaritan woman, demonstrating that everyone is valuable and deserving of God's love.

3. The Well as a Gathering Place

The well represents a place of common need where people from all walks of life gather. Jesus chose this setting to emphasize that His message and love are for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

4. The Thirst for Living Water

Jesus introduces the concept of "living water," signifying spiritual fulfillment that quenches our deepest thirst. This living water is a metaphor for the eternal life and satisfaction found in a relationship with Jesus.

5. Breaking Barriers

By speaking to the Samaritan woman, Jesus broke through cultural, gender, and religious barriers. This act of love and acceptance serves as a model for us to reach out to those around us too.

6. A Message for All

We all need Jesus just like we all need water. Jesus's approach was to meet people where they were, offering them something deeper and more fulfilling than their current pursuits. And He is ready to meet you where you are at and offer you the same too.

7. The Power of a Single Encounter

Encounters with Jesus have transformed lives all over the world. These stories illustrate that one genuine encounter with Jesus can change everything.


Let's hold up our hands in a place of surrender. And a place of surrender is the place of exchange. Father, I just thank you so much for our family here. Thank you so much for Jesus that Jesus you came to show us how good the Father is, but also how loved each one of us are.

Thank you that you release that spirit of adoption, that says Abba, Papa, Father. You are no longer slaves, but sons and daughters. It is the father's goodwill to give his sons and daughters good gifts. Some of you have been in a dry place and He is going to bring you into a place where rivers can start to flow in your life again and things are about to change.