15 January 2021
When we understand that we belong to Jesus, and His body, we realise how significant we are! Jesus, who is supreme over everything, and head of the Church, chose you to be part of it... and He has given you a place in it. If you’ve felt like you don’t belong, or you don’t have a significant part to play… this is for you! Verse 27 of today’s scripture says “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” So there it is. Jesus chose you to be part of His squad and He doesn’t change His mind. In fact, the Bible says in Ephesians 4:16 that “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly.” Whether you feel it or not, you are a perfect fit here!
Would you decide today to take captive every thought and feeling that you don’t belong.. cause that is a lie. We need you to show up, and to be exactly who He created you to be, in exactly the place He placed you to be. Without you, something is missing. This is His story, but He’s written-in a role that only you could play! As you read these scriptures, would you ask God to show you the significance of the part that He has created you to fulfill.
More post from JC Squad 7 Day Devotional