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DAY 14 – I Just Want You

Planetshakers Team

5 October 2015


“I Just Want You” is a love song to Jesus. In the busyness of life, this song breaks down all of life’s complications and reveals the simple truth that everything we need is found in Him. He is our source of strength, joy, peace and love. Telling Him that He is all we desire isn’t difficult - it can be a simple expression from our heart. This is a song of desire and revelation that we could search the whole world and not find another love as strong or as deep as the love that is found in Jesus.

What are some things that the world has tried to distract you with? Maybe it is material possessions, relationships, great success or wealth. None of these things in themselves are detrimental unless they pull us away from having God as our primary focus. If we start to desire these things more than we desire Him, we are guaranteed to live a life filled with dissatisfaction.

Close your eyes ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart. Be open to Him gently highlighting some areas of your heart that have strayed away from Him. Allow Him to show you how desiring Him above anything else is rewarding and fulfilling.


Psalms 73:25 NLT
HWhom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.
