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DAY 6 – Encountering God

Planetshakers Team

12 October 2019



One of my most memorable times encountering God was at a Boom service, it wasn’t any different to any other week, it wasn’t specifically supposed to be a night focused on encountering God, but Ps Andy felt during ministry time to worship. I remember so clearly the band started to play and I couldn’t help but just march to the front. I got there and the presence of God was so strong that I actually couldn’t continue to stand, I got to the front and I just fell onto my knees. I was responding to God believing for a fresh touch and a fresh word for my life in that moment. It had been a while since I felt I had had one and I finally decided that it was my time, I couldn’t not respond to God. I gave it my all. It says in Jeremiah 29:13 “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me” and in that moment, I went to my knees as a sign of surrender, to say to God, “I’m here. I’m ready to hear from you.” He responded to me and spoke to me about my future. He told me more about the plans He has for my life and I just felt a sense of peace come over me.

I always find that worship positions me to encounter God. I make a decision in my heart that I’m gonna go after God and I just give everything to Him. I close my eyes so that all distractions are gone, I close them so tight that it’s just pitch black and all I can focus on is God. I picture a cross in my mind and I just give it all over to Him. That’s how I personally encounter God, and He speaks to me through images usually.

It’s also so powerful to encounter God through the Word of God. Reading about Jesus always opens us up to know Him for who He really is.

So let’s decide to seek God today and press in to encounter Him again. Let Him become real in our everyday lives, not just at Church etc. He wants to show up in your life today.


Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
Acts 17:27 (NLT)
“His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us.