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DAY 7 – Invest in Eternity

Russell Evans

29 June 2021


Luke 12:21, NLT
Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.


Yesterday, we talked about feeding the fire of God in our lives every day in order to keep our ‘flame’ burning strong. Investing into eternity is one of the ways we feed the fire. Generosity and sacrifice stir up the flames that greed and selfishness gradually smother.

It is easy to get caught up in spending our time and money on temporal things; Fancy clothes, fine dining, wonderful holidays and the newest gadgets are always appealing. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying life with the resources God has blessed you with! But the Bible calls it foolishness to only invest in the things of this world. We must keep our focus on the eternal—the Kingdom of Heaven that will last long after our earthly pleasures perish.

God has called us to invest our time, energy, talent and resources into expanding HIS Kingdom, which is all about demonstrating the love and power of Christ so that a dying world may come to know Him. This might look like giving to a missional cause, serving in your local church, reaching out with compassion to someone who is lonely or sharing about Jesus with a friend who does not know Him.

Whatever it looks like, investing in eternity will come at a cost. But it will be worth it! The more we sow, the more eternal rewards we will reap— most importantly, souls swept into the Kingdom of God. The flames of revival have always been stoked by generous giving.

Are you investing into the temporal or the eternal? Take some time today to let God speak to you about how you are using your time, money and talents. Perhaps you need to re-examine your budget and make some challenging changes. Or maybe you need to sacrifice some ‘me-time’ and put your hand up to volunteer in an area of need at your church.

Whatever it is, obey swiftly. As you do, you will come to find that your life is made profoundly richer when it is freely given away.


Dear Jesus,

I agree that You are greater than sickness or physical ailment that I might experience and because of that, I reach out to You now for my healing. I ask that my entire body would be made whole and that I would experience the healing that You have already paid a price for with Your death on the cross and resurrection. I pray all this in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.