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DAY 5 – Winning Team Devotional

Sam Evans

19 July 2024


Romans 8:31 (AMP)
What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?


What a wonderful promise we see written here in Romans. Paul is trying to explain what we have in Christ and the position we hold now that we have been freed from the bondage of sin.

What Jesus has done for us is truly incredible. We couldn’t achieve true freedom without Jesus. He was the One who placed us in the winning team. We couldn’t achieve right standing with God through obeying the law. We kept messing that up. We couldn’t do it by the works of our flesh. That didn’t work either. Jesus was the only one able to win this victory for us and make a position for us on His team.

To think that the Son of God chose us to be on His team is unbelievable!

Remember those childhood days when captains were selected and they began to choose from the various kids within the class to be on their team. For those being chosen, it was always a nervous moment because there was always one captain that you favoured and wanted to choose you to be on their team because you wanted to win. There were also kids that weren’t as sporty that had to be chosen as well. Dread would rise in their hearts as they hoped that they would not be the last one chosen or singled out as incapable. But it’s not like that with Jesus. While we were all incapable and unqualified Jesus chose us. His victory became our victory. We were His choice, not based on what we could do but on what He did. Because of that, we can live confident that because we have Jesus on our side, we will always win. If God is for us, then who can be against us? The answer is: no-one. What a glorious promise. Therefore we can live with our heads held high, with confidence and boldness and without fear. Praise God!


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for choosing me. I don’t have to live in rejection or fear or even self doubt. I can live in confidence knowing that You are for me. Help me to realise this and to continue to put my confidence in You and what You have done to give me complete freedom and victory.

You’re the best, Jesus!