
Planetshakers • PlanetUNI • Planetboom • PlanetKids 



Pastoral Stream is an internship program in the adult ministry at Planetshakers Church, designed to develop your gifts and abilities in pastoral care and discipleship.

Our Goal

The goal of the stream is that you graduate with an expanded understanding, experience and development of your gift in pastoral care through practical training and hands-on experience. The greatest way to learn is to practically apply your training - and through Pastoral stream, you will be given many opportunities to develop your pastoral care gift through modelling the way our full-time pastors lead and love our people.

Your Interning Experience

During your pastoral internship, you will participate in weekly masterclasses run by our Planetshakers pastors, giving you first-hand training and direct insight into adult pastoral ministry at Planetshakers Church. Covering broad topics from ‘How to Disciple a New Christian’ to ‘ Pastoring someone through Hardships & Grief,” you will receive first-class training and impartation using Scripture, case studies and first-hand experience.

You will be a part of supporting the pastoral care structure that we use here at Planetshakers, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to pastorally care for thousands of people. This will involve calling New Christians and New people, pastoral meetings, administration, one-on-one discipleship and leadership within small groups to develop your gifts. Students will also be a part of coordinating our pastoral care training courses, New Christian courses and leadership development courses alongside our Planetshakers pastoral staff.

“Pastoral stream was a training camp where God empowered and trained me in my development as a student. I had the opportunity to learn from various pastors and leaders who contributed to my growth, challenged me and led me to become a better person and pastor every day. Because of this training and impartation I now have the privilege of being a pastor in our Empower ministry at Planetshakers!! This is all thanks to God, the Planetshakers College team and the pastoral stream in training me.”

Natalia Bejarano Salcedo
PSC Alumni


planetUNI is the university ministry of Planetshakers Church. Our aim is to reach out to the university students of our city from every background and every culture, to love them, serve them, and to see them raised up and discipled in the house of God.

planetUNI stream students will be assisting the pastoral team in carrying out this vision. Students will be trained in the area of pastoral care and leadership, as well as be involved in the planning and execution of various events throughout the year such as planetUNI Central, TGIF, Cultural Outreach Nights, and our biggest ministry event of the year - planetUNI Camp! 

To give you a better idea of what you can expect in this stream, here’s a testimony from one of our amazing alumni, Tessa.

"Although coming from a place with a dream to lead and to pastorally care for people, I still held on to shyness and insecurities from the past. However, by being in this stream coupled with the teaching during lectures, I’ve since seen the way God grew me throughout my 3 years in College. The level of trust and empowerment that comes from the pastors here has allowed me to flourish in ways I never knew. If you have a similar dream - passionate about God and young people, I hope planetUNI will be where you find family as where I found mine"

Tessa Leng
PSC Alumni


Boom Stream is a stream that disciples, challenges and guides young leaders who are passionate about the next generation. The stream is being heavily involved in what it takes to run a youth ministry. This goes from setting up a Friday night to pastorally caring for a teenager and even running a whole Youth Conference.

Our interns get to be a part of our weekly Planetboom Services on Friday, which plays a big part in what we do! Also being involved in Fortnightly Urban Life, Discipleships, Church, Planetboom Conference, Planetshakers Conference, Planetboom Camp + more! With Planetboom being a large and creative ministry students can be involved with our band, touring, media, designing and so much more.

Boom Stream covers many areas and can change depending on specific areas. In more detail you can be invoked in areas such as - Events, Pastoral, Foyer Design, Media, Social Media, Discipleships, Band, Creative, Logistics, Schools (Running programs in high schools) and Administration.


PlanetKids is the children’s ministry of Planetshakers Church. We exist to discover, celebrate and affirm the champion in every child, and to partner with their parents and caregivers to see them empowered to live their best lives! The Kids Ministry stream is about training and equipping leaders to empower the next generation. 

Being a part of the Kids Ministry Stream means being involved in every aspect of running a Children’s ministry. You will be involved in the hands on running of our Sunday Program across multiple age groups with the opportunity to preach, host games, run small groups, lead praise and worship and much more. You will be involved in follow up and pastoral care, including writing postcards, phone calls, home visits and donut drop offs. There is opportunity to be involved in filming for online content, planning and running large events such as our kids conference and Bring Your Buddy outreach days. You will also have the opportunity to be involved in schools ministry and the pre planning and administration of our Sunday programs.

We have masterclasses each week that cover not just ministering to Children,
but how to develop as a leader in any area of ministry. These are run by some of the Planetkids staff along with Pastors and leaders from all areas of the Planetshakers Team and are a highlight
of our stream days.

In Planetkids, we run over 20 seperate Children’s services every Sunday all over Melbourne. We have over 140 leaders and over 1000 kids. With so much going on there is endless opportunity to be involved and get hands-on experience over a very broad range of activities. Not only will you have the chance to shape and change the future of the next generation - but you will have the most fun in the process! Come and join the Childrens Ministry Stream — You won’t regret it.

Next Steps

Apply today! Or for more information, submit a general enquiry for a member of our academic team to get in touch with you.

Planetshakers College
129 Whiteman Street
Southbank VIC 3006
PO Box 5171
South Melbourne VIC 3205
+61 3 9896 7999

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Provider Name: Sydney College Divinity
CRICOS Provider Name: Sydney College Divinity
CRICOS Provider Code: 02948J TEQSA
Provider ID: PRV12045