Andy Harrison • 30 June 2024

Get Out of My House

In this powerful message, we learn about stepping into the victory that Christ has already won for us. It's not about giving attention to the enemy; instead, it's about embracing the authority and dominion that Jesus has given us in our lives. In the midst of everyday challenges, we sometimes forget who truly holds the power in our lives. We get so accustomed to living with obstacles that we overlook the fact that Jesus is our deliverer. He has set us free from every chain that binds us. Today, we're going to close the gap between our circumstances and the reality of His victory.

Sermon Notes

Embracing Jesus as Our Deliverer

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:28 that God blessed mankind, giving us authority to have dominion over all things on earth. This mandate reveals God's intention for us to walk in His authority and power, not to be dominated by anything.

Living the Abundant Life

Jesus came not only to give us life but to give it abundantly (John 10:10). Part of living abundantly means addressing anything that seeks to detract from that life. Just as you wouldn't tolerate a thief in your house, we shouldn't tolerate anything that hinders us from living the life Jesus died to give us.

Jesus: The Ultimate Victor

Ephesians 1:19-23 reminds us of the immeasurable greatness of God's power toward us who believe. It underscores that Jesus is seated above all rule, authority, and power, far above every name that can be named. He has placed all things under His feet, including every challenge and opposition we face.

Defeating the Enemy

The devil, though often portrayed as powerful, is ultimately a defeated foe. Colossians 2:13-15 tells us that Jesus canceled the record of debt that stood against us, disarmed the rulers and authorities, and triumphed over them on the cross. The devil's defeat is a fact; we are no longer under his dominion.

Living in Victory

As believers, we are on the winning team. Luke 10:17-20 shows us that Jesus has given us authority over all the power of the enemy. Nothing can harm us because we are protected under His authority.

Walking in Authority

Isaiah 54:17 reassures us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against us in judgment shall be condemned. This is our heritage as servants of the Lord, and it affirms our victory in Christ.

Claiming Your Victory

When faced with spiritual opposition or challenges, we must assert our authority in Jesus' name. Just as Jesus defeated the enemy in the wilderness and on the cross, His victory is our victory. We are empowered to command every hindrance, sickness, or bondage to leave our lives because Jesus has already won the battle.

PrayerFather, help us to step into the truth of Your Word and claim the authority You have given us. Let's not be moved by circumstances or by the lies of the enemy. Instead, let's live in the reality of Jesus' victory. As we take our place of authority, let's declare with boldness, "Get out of my house!"—refusing to allow anything that opposes God's best for us to remain. This is our time of freedom, deliverance, and abundant living in Christ! Amen.