Clayton Coombs • 9 June 2024

Living in the Eighth Day: Embracing Rest and Purpose

This message, rooted in biblical teachings, invites us to rethink our understanding of rest, work, and our spiritual journey.

Sermon Notes

Every Day is Sunday

Imagine living every day as if it were Sunday—a day of rest, reflection, and spiritual rejuvenation. Hebrews 4 emphasizes the promise of entering God's rest. It encourages us to honor the Word, to hear it, believe it, and let it guide our lives. This passage reminds us that rest is not just about physical relaxation but about entering into the peace that comes from faith in God's finished work.

The Sixth Day: Striving and Human Effort

The sixth day represents human striving and effort. It's the day of preparation, the day of man, where we often find ourselves trying to prove our worth through our accomplishments. But this message reminds us that true fulfillment doesn’t come from our labor alone. Drawing our attention to the creation story, where everything else was made by God's word, but man was formed by God's breath, we are reminded that our existence is sustained by His Spirit.

The Seventh Day: Divine Rest

The seventh day is the Sabbath—a day of divine rest. It's a time when God ceased His work, and we are invited to do the same. This rest is not just about taking a break but about acknowledging that our efforts are nothing without God’s blessing. Dr Clayton highlights that even in rest, we find purpose and direction as we align ourselves with God's will.

The Eighth Day: Living in the New Covenant

A day that symbolizes new beginnings, resurrection, and the New Covenant. This is the day when we move from simply resting in God's finished work to actively participating in the purpose He has set before us. The eighth day is where we find the sweet spot of working in God's strength, experiencing a flow that comes from His Spirit rather than our flesh.

Embracing the Eighth Day

Living in the eighth day means embracing a life where our work and rest are both centered around our relationship with God. It’s about moving from a place of striving to a place of trusting and partnering with God. Dr Clayton challenges us to find this balance, to work from rest and not for rest, ensuring that everything we do is rooted in the strength and guidance that comes from our Creator.

PrayerFather, the eighth day is an invitation to live in the fullness of God’s promise, where our lives are a continuous cycle of resting in His completed work and actively participating in His ongoing mission. Help us to live each day as if it were the eighth day, marked by peace, purpose, and the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, Amen.Father, may we continue to live in the overflow of Your blessings, fully trusting in Your provision and living out the abundant life You have promised. Amen.